Right now I'm working on a wolf mask for a friend- it's gonna be a furred, lightweight (resin) mask with a moving jaw, which covers half of the face, so you can still see the eyes and forehead- therefore face expression should be possible...if it works how I imagie it^^
And here some pics of the different stages of moldmaking and the casting itself^^
I made a mold of my friends face using plaster bandages and then casted her face with "Kermolin"and coated it with acrylic based varnish.
Then I molded the "wolf-muzzle" onto the "face" ^^
Next step: making the silicone mold! Liquid silicone was brushed onto the muzzle and a (two-part) mothermold was made of plasterbandages. When everything was cured completely, I seperated the parts an taddaaa- a nice silicone mold^^ Now everythings prepared for casting!
And thats what the resin-mask looks like right now:
(It's not fitted to my face, so it seems a little bit funny, but Manu already tried it on and it looks great ;) And it's super light!!)
Next step will be to add teeth and a "tongue"- in order that it will look like a real wolf muzzle when she "talks" and moves the jaw ;)
Then the fur will be added and painted...and then it should be finished^^
Stay tuned for Part II :)
See ya!